Yeah....Right. So far, the lamb is wise, as are all the rabbits and deer and a raccoon couple who I'm sure will be bringing their babies soon.
Let the games begin!
So far, the score is Them-3, Us 0. The tomatillas were the first casualties...all three stripped of leaves...and just for good measure...the stalk of one was whacked at ground level.
I'm thinking the rabbits scored that round. I saw no deer tracks...the gate was closed to the lamb and I just don't think the raccoons and skunks have such herbivorous tastes.
The Man wanted to grow we planted sweet corn. Boy, the raccoons are going to love that. Apparently they are not that easy to thwart either. I've read some books, searched online and called up Mom and my best friend. Suggestions range from stout, Gulag style fencing, to clumps of hair in panty hose and even having The Man going out and 'marking his territory' every night. I can't wait to share that suggestion with him. Maybe I'll turn the boys loose on it too!
I'm definitely getting a sling shot. I've a personal score to settle with the raccoons.
Now, I don't mind if they come sniffing around, and I've even toyed with the idea of putting some treats out for them now and again...but the little buggers have ticked me off. They come traipsing through the yard in the middle of the night, taking extra care to alarm the dog...which alarms me, or bumping and thumping different parts of the house...which also alarms me.
So the other night...bump, bump, bump, bump, THUMP! This is 2am...and now I'm wide awake. I turn on the light and peak outside. The little buggers are serving themselves a light refreshment from the free bar otherwise known as the rain barrel. I'm OK with that, and even enjoy watching them tool across the yard and up over the fence.
The problem....the one got down the other side of the fence...and being mistress of my house and maybe even the yard I told him/her, "Go on. Git!" More because it felt the thing to do than any other reason.
The little bugger didn't I stepped it up a notch and stomped my foot. This action from me generally sends my dog, cat and kids running and garners grave concern and rapt attention from The Man. Not so the coon. Honery little punk came at me!!!!!!!
"Well I'll be......You little.....!"
He was not impressed an continued to look at me like, "You got a problem lady?"(I'm imagining a Bronx accent here.)
I threw a piece of wood at him...and he sloooowwwwwllllyyyy ambled away, in a rather unconcerned manner.
How is that I've backed a three hundred pound drunk Bubba out of a bar with only my finger in his chest and a glare in my eye...yet a tiny little coon had no fear at all? Guess I'm loosing my touch.
So I'm getting a sling shot.
I'm sure some of you are screaming in protest and now don't think highly of me at all...but a girl has a right to defend her own turf. Do you think a Mama coon would politely invite me in her den(?), should I come snooping around? Nope...she'd come at me screaming and hissing with claws flying and teeth gnashing; and she'd have the right of not respecting her territory. Turn about is fair play...and I do have my 'cubs' to think about.
It's not that I want them to go away completely...they are neat to watch, and I'd love a picture or two to share...but I rather think wild things should be wild...confrontational bothers me.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
The Little Lamb...and a few other pics :)
May I introduce Layne, my youngest, and Sunshine, The Lamb.
These pics were taken about 10 days ago, and the lamb wasn't feeling that good. My daughter, out of the kindness of her heart, I'm sure, decided that if one bottle was good for him, two would be better and she gave the poor little guy colic. He looked a little sickly for a couple days, but is now doing much better and just packing on the pounds :)
I just love it how their ears come out from the side of their heads like that. It's really cute when they run...flop...flop...flop :) LOL
This one was taken Easter Morning. We suprised the kids with chicks of their own(actually that was the cover story...Daddy loves fresh eggs and wanted to add to the flock to ensure his own supply...) Deon(on the left) is holding Whiskers, Layne has Blue, and Katie named her's Fluffy. They are now about 5 times that size and have been moved from their cage in our living room to the chicken coup.
On the first of May, Layne and I climbed to the top of our hill across the road. This is looking down on our place and out across a pretty typical view of Nevada....well off in the distance anyways...all the trees and green grass in the foreground are fairly rare.
Here is the creek that flows out behind the house. It's officially a river, but doesn't quite toe the mark in my creek it is. Our neighbor caught a decent sized trout out of it and Elliott hooked a baby catfish one day. I'm looking forward to going down and getting wet and staying cool during the hot months of summer.
I love this old building. It has such character and coloring and interesting shape and....just kind of a presence about it. Inside there is an old 1800's wagon on the right....and a '76 corvette on the left.
This was just too weird not to take a picture of. The inside of that old log burned out and the remains created a very interesting shape.

Not sure how many of you have raised sons...but mine seems to be having a hard time remembering to RAISE the toilet lid. I told him that if this remains a problem....This is where he will be going to the bathroom for the next month.
I was drawn by the way the snow was draped across the fence and harness part(hames maybe?)
And thought it was interesting to contrast it to a picture from a little nicer day.
An old fence post...worm eaten and slanted just so....drew my eye anyways :)
An old abandoned apple orchard covers the piece of land across the street. Some of the trees where just covered in beautiful pretty. Of all the close up pictures I took(still haven't figured out my digital camera)...this was the only one that wasn't blurry.
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